I created the following CRD (Custom Resource Definition) with — kubectl apply -f crd-with-x-validations.yaml
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: # name must be in the form: <plural>.<group> name: myapps.example.com spec: # group name to use for REST API: /apis/<group>/<version> group: example.com scope: Namespaced names: # kind is normally the CamelCased singular type. kind: MyApp # singular name to be used as an alias on the CLI singular: myapp #...
Today, I learnt about slabtop
1, a command line utility to check the memory used by kernel
(or as its man page says, it displays the kernel slab cache information in real time2).
(Logging for the future me)
So, what led to me learning about slabtop
? 🙂
Jason Braganza taught me this, while we...
Today, during our pair-(learning/programming) session for the KEP 4595 aka, CEL for CRD AdditionalPrinterColumns, Sreeram and I, came across this article – Future of CRDs: Structural Schemas.
(It’s an old article from 2019, written by Dr. Stefan Schimanski1. I will check if & what anything changed since 2019, but still reading this article in its current state, itself, was a turning point for me w.r.t my...
The Kubernetes v1.29.0, aka the Kubernetes Mandala was released on December 13, 2023. This marked the last (major) Kubernetes minor version release of the year, 2023.
(The original release date was December 5, 2023, but then we had a few rounds of un-avoidable delays.) 🙂
This is a very special release for me. I had the honor of being the Release Lead for Kubernetes v1.29 Release cycle, which had a team of I had the opportunity to co-chair the first ever CNCF Maintainer Summit, which was also the first one held in India. On November 14, 2024, I received the CNCF Community Award, under the category — Chop Wood, Carry Water. June 14, 2022 Extending on my earlier post about the Kubernetes Release Team I’m serving as the Enhancements Role Lead for the current Kubernetes 1.25 Release Team. As a role lead this time, I have a group of five outstanding shadows that I am not only mentoring to become future leads, but I am also learning from them - both “how to teach” and “how to learn” I haven’t posted in a... Sept 3, 2021 👋 A very quick update! I’m serving as a shadow on the Enhancements team for the current Kubernetes 1.23 release. Most of the work for Enhancements team, i.e shepherding features for the current Kubernetes release cycle and maintaining the status of Kubernetes Enhancements Proposals or KEP(s), happens right at the beginning of the release. As of today, we’re already 2 weeks into the current release cycle.... Aug 17, 2021 The following document demonstrates the steps followed while adding a new validation check in the upstream kube-linter project. KubeLinter is a static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure the applications represented in them adhere to best practices. August 16, 2021 The following document demonstrates the process and the steps followed, to configure a Kubernetes cluster, on AWS EC2 instances. I have used August 03, 2021 While working on a side project yesterday, I was reading through the Pod manifests for some services. And one of the fields, I read there was I might be very ignorant before (as I never paid attention to this), but I wanted to understand what this QoS class (or Quality of Service class) meant. So, yea below is what I understood & it is a very easy concept.... July 26, 2021 Last friday, I attended a kubernetes This was my very first time knowing what CAPI project is about (although, I’ve come across the name quite a lot of times before). And well, I found it to be a very interesting one for me. The reason being CAPI is a project, a tooling that helps with managing cluster infrastructure as declarative configuration.... July 25, 2021 On my local machine, I use a starship cross-shell prompt setup on top of bash (which I truly find as a very handy tool!) So, as part of my day to day work, I require to spin up or connect to multiple kubernetes & OpenShift clusters at a time. Although June 27, 2021 Very quick notes from this previous week: I followed up with the recording of the recent (and the second) sig-arch KEP reading club community meeting. I couldn’t join it live ( but for someone who want to join, it happens every 2nd week, on Monday from 8:30 – 9:30 PM IST tz. Subscribe to sig-arch mailing list for invite!). June 20, 2021 Very quick notes from this previous week: This is what all I did for this last whole week (mostly). June 14, 2021 A few days back, I had a small, very useful conversation with a friend from the community. We were discussing, How to ask someone for a 1:1 (learning or mentoring) session? This is what I do! ⬇️ (and so, I’m putting the raw conversation below, just that I feel this might help someone else too, who are like me. 🙂) June 10, 2021 (Thursdays are the weekly 1:1 meetings with dims. You could find the agenda document here) Today’s meeting was a discussion in continuation to this previous blog, where I wrote about dims giving me a walkthrough of the k8s testgrid dashboard. As a takeaway, I had left for myself a home-work exercise in the end of that discussion. Below is where I’m trying to take notes of what I learnt... June 9, 2021 Quick notes from today: June 2, 2021 Quick notes from today: Not much I did, other than rephrasing & removing & discussing more on some sections of docs in the PR ~ add documentation for the server & client side timeout #1467, as part of the review suggestions. Ok, that’s still some substantial work, so fine! May 31, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 27, 2021 Quick notes from today: [The meeting notes are in this google document] May 26, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 24, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 19, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 19, 2021 Quick notes from today: This release of May 18, 2021 Quick notes from today: DVO aka Deployment Validation Operator is an openshift-sdk based operator, which checks deployments and other resources against a curated collection of best practices. Some folks from Red Hat’s AppSRE team are working on building this operator. This is majorly a work in progress currently, & I’m trying to getting involved in this quite early itself. As part of my getting onboarded, I... May 17, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 15, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 14, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 13, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 12, 2021 Quick notes from today: May 07, 2021 Quick notes from today: The Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280) virtual instructor led training (VILT) is finished. Now, will slowly slowly keep practicing & re-practicing the labs for a month, & then sit for the certification exam. May 06, 2021 Today was a so so day. I would say, the last some hours were hard, other than that it was wonderful in the morning. I did more than usual productive stuff during the time. (see, I myself am confused, that’s why it was hard. Just too much overthinking happening. 😅). Well, I didn’t feel like writing today. But then times like these become the culprit behind me breaking a good going streak.... May 05, 2021 Same as yesterday, I spent most of my day continuing with the Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280) virtual instructor led training (VILT). It’s going wonderful. :) The topics from today’s class were around configuring OpenShift networking for applications. May 04, 2021 This week, I’m working on Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280) virtual instructor led training (VILT). This training is a preparatory course for the OpenShift Administration Certification Exam (EX280). During one of the chapters today, around troubleshooting OpenShift clusters, I came across this command May 3, 2021 Notes from today: May 2, 2021 Notes from today: May 1, 2021 Did the following today: April 29, 2021 Did the following today: I also learnt a couple of new k8s api requests debugging stuff. For ex,...
The First, CNCF Maintainer Summit, 2024
December 10, 2024
The event took place on December 10, 2024, as part of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon India 2024 (the first ever KubeCon in India), at Yashobhoomi (India International Convention & Expo Centre).
(so many first evers, I know 😂)Read more…
On receiving the CNCF Community Award, 2024
November 14, 2024
The award was announced during the Awards Ceremony on the second day of keynotes at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2024.
Kubernetes 1.25 Enhancements Role Lead! #33
June 14, 2022
Update: Kubernetes 1.23 Release Enhancements Shadow! #32
September 03, 2021
How to add a new check in KubeLinter? #31
August 17, 2021
Deploy kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instances using Ansible #30
August 16, 2021
GitHub Project link: https://github.com/Priyankasaggu11929/ansible-k8s-cluster-deploy
playbooks to automate the provisioning of AWS EC2 instances, the security-group & key pairs, and the further process of initiating & bootstrapping...
Quality of Service for Pods #29
August 03, 2021
qosClass: BestEffort
Notes: getting started with Cluster-API (CAPI)! #28
July 26, 2021
community session around the Cluster API (CAPI) project.
Notes: customizing starship! #27
July 25, 2021
has an inbuilt kubernetes module, to dynamically configure the shell prompt based on the currently active kubernetes cluster,...
Week notes: sig-arch KEP reading club community meeting, deep-dive in sig-testing infrastructure, learning OWASP Top ten #26
June 27, 2021
sig-arch KEP reading club community meeting
Week notes: passed Red Hat certified specialist in OpenShift Administration exam, attended community session on client-go informers code walk-through #25
June 20, 2021
passed Red Hat certified specialist in OpenShift Administration exam
How to ask someone for a 1:1 (learning or mentoring) session? #24
June 14, 2021
Breaking down CI jobs testgrid for the upstream kubernetes project #23
June 10, 2021
Notes: brainstormed on proposing the plural version for klog.KObj, writing new validation checks in the upstream kube-linter #22
June 09, 2021
brainstormed on proposing the plural version for klog.KObj
Notes: worked on PR reviews on the watch request handler server side & client side timeout settings docs #21
June 02, 2021
worked on PR reviews on the watch request handler server side & client side timeout settings docs
Notes: documenting server side & client side connection timeout settings, for the watch request handler #20
May 31, 2021
documenting server side & client side connection timeout settings, for the watch request handler!
project. The documentation provides information for the server-side & client-side connection timeout settings for the client’s watch request handler method. There were review comments on the PR, pointing...
Notes: k8s prow jobs testgrid walkthrough, k8s enhancement tracking spreadsheet, bi-weekly structured-logging workgroup meeting #19
May 27, 2021
k8s prow jobs testgrid walkthrough
Notes: reviewed KEP-281 ~ Dynamic Kubelet Configuration, explored kubeLinter ~ static analysis tool for Kubernetes #18
May 26, 2021
reviewed KEP-281 ~ Dynamic Kubelet Configuration
Dynamic Kubelet Configuration
allows a new Kubelet configurations to...
Notes: day of learning ~ learning how to create k8s go operators using operator-sdk, bi-weekly python-client PR/issues triage meeting #17
May 24, 2021
day of learning ~ learning how to create k8s go operators using operator-sdk
Notes: k8s org(s) membership 🥳 , structured-logging KEP review session, bump containerd & runc on kubernetes CI jobs #16
May 20, 2021
k8s org(s) membership
Notes: bumped runc version to v1.0.0-rc95 in cadvisor & containerd, sig-doc issues triage #15
May 19, 2021
bumped runc version to v1.0.0-rc95 in cadvisor & containerd
version to v1.0.0-rc95
~ bump runc version to v1.0.0-rc95 #2873containerd/containerd
~ bump runc version to v1.0.0-rc95 #5514runc
contains a fix for CVE-2021-30465.
Notes: hacking DVO, kubernetes/website issues review/triage, sharing good-first-issues with folks in community, Kubernetes sig-security Tooling meeting, hacking client-generator code #14
May 18, 2021
hacking DVO
Notes: sig-auth PR/issue triage meeting, drop python2 support from kubernetes-client/python | python-base #13
May 17, 2021
sig-auth PR/issue triage meeting
PR/issue triage meeting. I still am a silent listener in the meeting, but I don’t have any regrets, the more I am listening with focus, the more I’m learning. The only thing I need to do moving forward is ask wherever required. But yea, today’s takeaways:
Notes: bump hcsshim version to v0.8.17 in containerd #12
May 15, 2021
bump hcsshim version to v0.8.17
version to v0.8.17
in containerd. Link to the PR here ~ containerd/containerd/pull/5505
Notes: containerd v1.5.1 GA, event watch stream server-side timeout, dropping python2 support from k8s python client, dedicated kubernetes contribution page #11
May 14, 2021
Bumped containerd version to v1.5.1
version to the GA version v1.5.1
in the following projects:
~ bump containerd version to v1.5.1 #1027google/cadvisor
~ bump containerd version to v1.5.1 #2870kubernetes/image-builder
~ bump containerd version to v1.5.1...
Notes: sig-auth issues & KEP review, structured-logging workgroup, kubernetes org membership (🎊) #10
May 13, 2021
sig-auth issues & KEP review
. Although, today I went through mix set of PRs & KEPs
Notes: Containerd v1.5.0 GA, Fixing DCO checks #9
May 12, 2021
version to v1.5.0
in the following kubernetes sub-projects: lgtm
& awaiting approved
PR, I got...
Notes: Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280), sig-auth PR/issue triage meeting #7
May 07, 2021
Showing up! #6
May 06, 2021
Notes: k8s python dynamic client examples, Red Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280)#5
May 05, 2021
How does "oc debug node" command works
May 04, 2021
oc debug node/<node-name>
, which is used for debugging cluster nodes (kubelets
, crio-d
containers, control-plane stuff etc). This command provides a way to...
Notes: demonstrate python dynamic-client usage & brainstorming strategic-merge-patch, deployment rolling restart method, tekton pipelines, Container Storage Interface (CSI) session #4
May 03, 2021
in place of apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta
for CustomResourceDefintion (CRD) apiapiextensions.k8s.io
version to v1
made adding versions schema mandatory. So, learnt a lot today about writing CRD schema.
Notes: python-client method for ingressroutes across namespaces, deployment rolling restart method, kubernetes/api brainstorming session #3
May 02, 2021
Notes: cleaning PR for custom alertmanager template changes in intly-operator, demonstrating dynamic-client, fixing broken CNCF CLA label #2
May 01, 2021
Notes: brainstorming dynamic-client e2e tests, demonstrating patch_cluster_custom_object method, enhancing node_labels.py examples #1
April 29, 2021
header more flexible against different content-type
values. (More deeper stuff in the issue itself)