cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Update: Kubernetes 1.23 Release Enhancements Shadow! #32

Sept 3, 2021

👋 A very quick update!

I’m serving as a shadow on the Enhancements team for the current Kubernetes 1.23 release.

enhancements shadow

Most of the work for Enhancements team, i.e shepherding features for the current Kubernetes release cycle and maintaining the status of Kubernetes Enhancements Proposals or KEP(s), happens right at the beginning of the release.

As of today, we’re already 2 weeks into the current release cycle. The Enhancements team has now reached out to each SIG, to remind everyone of the opt-in process, the deadline, and confirming which enhancements are currently being tracked for each SIG.

If you want to read what all Enhancements KEP(s) are being tracked under the Kubernetes 1.23 release, please check the current Enhancements tracking sheet:

To folks who’re interested in learning how Kubernetes releases happens and what goes on behind all the hard work, please consider reading the Release Team Role Handbooks.

You may also want to read about the Release Team Shadow Program.

The Release Team recruits a number of apprentices for each release role, in order to train new release team leads, handle tasks that each lead may not be able to cover, share knowledge about the release process, and help contributors broaden their areas of knowledge and participation.