cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Notes: day of learning ~ learning how to create k8s go operators using operator-sdk, bi-weekly python-client PR/issues triage meeting #17

May 24, 2021

Quick notes from today:

day of learning ~ learning how to create k8s go operators using operator-sdk

bi-weekly python-client PR/issues triage meeting

  • Attended the bi-weekly kubernetes python-client PR/issues triage meeting
  • Picked up the following issue. It’s a simple one, but the solution involves regenerating the python-client, so would be a very good learning exercise for me.
  • Also, I’ve a pending PR to finish ~ [WIP] add documentation for the server & client side timeout #1467
  • Some major discussions from today’s meeting:
    • Proposal to reduce the alpha -> beta, beta -> GA release soak time to 1 week from previously 2 weeks.
    • Although the new pattern would still ensure there will be a 2 week time for feedbacks between a beta to next alpha release.
  • And, I have volunteered to participate in creating the upcoming python-client v18.0.0 beta release. I might pick up the release documentation or other small bits (I’m yet not aware what might be those) that might come up during the process.

That’s all for the day!

PS: Find here, the links to all the kubernetes-contributions for the month of May, 2021.