cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Notes: demonstrate python dynamic-client usage & brainstorming strategic-merge-patch, deployment rolling restart method, tekton pipelines, Container Storage Interface (CSI) session #4

May 3, 2021

Notes from today:

  • Improved this PR (add examples to demonstrate the usage of dynamic client #1448) from yesterday with review pointers. What I fixed is the following:
    • used in place of for CustomResourceDefintion (CRD) api
    • changing the version to v1 made adding versions schema mandatory. So, learnt a lot today about writing CRD schema.
    • improved variables names ingressroute_manifest_one to ingressroute_manifest_first, so it become more consistent with ingressroute_manifest_second (well yes, I’m silly to name this as *-one & *-second, in place of one of two, or first or second)
    • as suggested, tried using application/strategic-merge-patch+json while applying patches to custom resource (CR) objects, but there is some issue here. Seems like, the strategic-merge-patch is not supported. Atleast that’s what the error says precisely. But this patch is for supporting the strategic merge patch. See this comment here for context. I’ll wait for more input on this from the reviewers.
  • The reviewer to one of the previous PR (add example to demonstrate a rolling restart of the deployment #1450) suggested to replicate the same example for a k8s python typed client. So, I refactored & cleaned a previous python script to include a rolling_restart_deployment method. Here is the PR (update to include a rolling_restart_deployment method for typed client #1452)

  • During the office hours, I worked on writing some openshift tekton pipelines/tasks (which are a part of our team’s central autonomous platform, cssre-pipelines).
    • wrote url_shortner tekton task, which enhances the google-chat notification messages from github/ci-pipeline (another tekton pipeline) by adding a shortened url of the running pipelinerun logs tab. PR here.
    • wrote report-unresolved-pagerduty-incidents tekton pipeline, which will send a report of unresolved PagerDuty incidents on the respective (team’s) google-chat channel, after a schedule of every 6 hours (which is at the end of every IC on-call shifts). WIP PR here (I’m still testing it).
    • spent time setting up a development test namespace to perform testing on new tasks/pipelines defined under cssre-pipleines.
  • Lastly, joined a k8s community session around Container Storage Interface (CSI). Well, I hardly understood anything there, but that’s my inexperience with the concept. The session was very thorough. I’m keeping the notes & recording here for myself.

That’s all from today.