cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

  • Hacktoberfest #5 Swags !!!

    February 16, 2019

    February 16, 2019

    Every contribution counts and yup mine also did. A cheer moment for me. I finally received the Hacktoberfest swags. My first set of Programming Stickers and the T-Shirt. :)

    Just one thing for all the folks who have just entered...

  • [Feb] Daily Diary #15

    February 16, 2019

    February 16, 2019

    It's been so long since I wrote for the last time here. But I am back here now. :D

    In this post, I will be listing almost all the major stuff that I have done in the last approximate 10 days.

    • Appointed as one amongst the two lead co-ordinators...
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  • Daily Diary #14

    February 02, 2019

    February 2, 2019

    Teaching is the best way of learning!

    Finished my third session with junior folks. I got so many criticizing feedbacks today for the session being too slow, or not having physical sessions with them.

    I accept each one of theirs whole-heartedly.

    I just have...

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  • Daily Diary #13

    February 01, 2019

    February 1, 2019

    The hard work pays off.

    Justified when I finished my second session today with junior folks in IRC channel #GirlScriptSnp. I had 5+ students in the channel when I started but only 1 of them stayed till the end. The session went for almost 2 hours and I spent half the time, teaching only 1 student.... -->

  • Daily Diary #12

    January 29, 2019

    January 29, 2019

    Today, I realized how hard it is to teach someone, and that too, specifically, on IRC. The mark reached its peak when I was individually helping every student almost for the entire day and suddenly, some of them got bored and left the channel. 😢😛

    Anyways, this was an admirable experience as I got to teach junior... -->

  • #gbot - IRC bot in Python

    January 28, 2019

    January 28, 2019

    Right from day one of my training in #dgplug, I always wanted to know, "How batul, the IRC bot in #dgplug" was developed". And now today, When I myself had registered a channel #GirlScriptSnp on for conducting GirlScript Sonipat training sessions. The first thought was to just create and load a bot which was as powerful as batul.

  • Daily Diary #11!

    January 26, 2019

    January 26, 2019

    I was busy with certain things. So, quickly writing down what I have done in the last 2 days. Will surely try my level best to cover them in separate posts.

    1. Learned about the architecture of Nginx, how to set up a Nginx Server & finally, host an application on it.
    2. Created a Twitter Sentiment... -->

    3. A Quick go through AWS

      January 25, 2019

      January 24, 2019

      Having no idea about how instances are created and how servers are leased. How certain applications are hosted on these servers having different computing powers, storages, databases, environments(prod/dev/test etc), and management tools. I thought of digging up into the matter via learning AWS.

      So, following are the topics that I have covered while learning:

      ... -->

    4. Image/Document Scanner with OpenCV(3/17)

      January 22, 2019

      January 22, 2019

      The #3 Project in the series of 17 is an "Image/Document Scanner". A mini project in OpenCV, requiring only three simple steps to be accomplished.

      • Step 1: Detecting the Edges in the image/document.

      Credit for input-image:

    5. Counting objects with OpenCV using Edge detection, Thresholding, and Contours detection (2/17)

      January 22, 2019

      January 22, 2019

      This is Project #2 in series of 17. Started with a quick refresher in OpenCV basics, I have covered:

      • Loading and displaying an image.
      • Accessing individual pixels.
      • Array slicing and cropping for extracting ROIs(Region of Interest).
      • Resizing images.
      • Rotating an image.
      • Smoothing an image.
      • Drawing on an image.

      You... -->