September 11, 2019
It's been a very long time since I wrote here for the last.
The reason is nothing big but mainly because:
August 18, 2019
Ah, I literally procastinated a lot for writing this blog post. But I, "actually", am not regretting at all for this once, because the time was justly spent well with my parents & family.
Anyways, before moving forward with other tasks in the series, I am supposed to finish the backlogs (finish writing my 2 blogposts, including...
August 13, 2019
Okay, not to worry. There is no such actual warning. :D
I am just trying to extend my previous post on securing SSH by adding another one-liner (actually it was one liner before I decided to implement it with ansible again) solution to it.
And the solution is:
My collection of a bunch of useful and interesting contents (or some other things that I might want to read/watch again, later in life).
August 11, 2019
Now after working on remote VPS for a good decent time, I have understood that it's not difficult to connect to remote nodes via SSH. Rather the concern is to connect to these remote nodes in a more safe and secure manner. Therefore, when this thought is taken into consideration, we need to work on certain things to ensure the security aspect.
August 10, 2019
[Note: This post has pictures that I am intentionally not compressing. Please bear with me for the slow loading. :) ]
A big massive thanks to jasonbraganza for so nicely (and patiently) giving his time, telling me about *lots* of these small astonishing components. 😇
This is for the first... -->
August 8, 2019
[ After procastinating to write for a whole long day due to a number of xyz reasons, here I am finally writing about what I did in past 2 days. ]
Whatever we do on any network, it includes exchange of huge number of incoming and outgoing... -->
August 6, 2019
Last night, I upgraded my host machine's operating system from Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS to Ubuntu 19.04. In the first go, it felt nice having a new clean interface right in front, but very soon, I realised that the upgrade was a bit off, on my machine.
August 5, 2019
This article will cover the process of automating WordPress installation on multiple Ubuntu (Debian) nodes/servers using ansible.
I would like you to first go through my previous post to get a good idea of "How Ansible works" and the problems you may face while setting up a basic ansible structure.
August 2, 2019
[Note: This post will cover the work progress from last 2 days, i.e. August 1st and 2nd.]
I am learning ansible now. It was not a really smooth passage to the point where I am right now in ansible. But today, with literally lots of efforts, I finally managed to run some first few ansible-playbooks on... -->