cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Project Report - Consul Key-Value Store!

January 05, 2020

Title: Consul Key-Value Store

Project Description:

The project aims to provide a REST/CLI solution to access a key-value store. More precisely, it provide a Get and Set interface for getting keys and storing data/values respectively.

Installation / Usage Instructions:

Tools/softwares/services used:


  • A VM/server for hosting the Consul web UI.

Note: I am using GCP Compute-Engine VM instances for my solution.


  • Create a GCP compute-engine VM instance (in my case, an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM, n1-standard-1, 1 vCPU, 3.75 GB memory). Refer this article for the steps to create and connect to a Google Cloud VM via SSH.

  • Once you SSH into the VM, the next step is to setup Consul (which is an open-source service networking solution to connect and secure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud). The official documentation provides two ways to install Consul:
    1. Using a precompiled binary
    2. Installing from source
  • I will be using the first option for my setup. Here, we are required to download the latest appropriate package for our system (which basically is a zip file of pre-compiled binaries. It might require to install unzip package in case it is not already available (command: sudo apt install unzip)).
$ wget ""

$ unzip
  • As it is a precompiled binary, the only requirement to have it running is to put the unzipped file in one of our system path setup in our machine.
$ echo $PATH

# I will be adding it to the directory path `/usr/local/sbin`. 
# You can add it to any of the path specified in the above output.

$ sudo mv consul /usr/local/sbin
  • And that is all about the Consul setup/installation. You can verify the installation by running the command consul and the output will look like the following.



The workflow for the solution is quite easy and straight-forward. We basically need to do the following:

  1. Create a Consul config-file in directory ./consul.d for ensuruing a smooth access of the Consol web UI.

       $ mkdir ./consul.d
       $ echo '{
       }' > ./consul.d/web.json
  2. Run the Consul Agent, passing the above config-file in the -config-dir flag. (Make sure that it keeps running inside one terminal session throughout the rest of the process)

       $ consul agent -dev -enable-script-checks -config-dir=./consul.d


  3. Inside a new terminal session, use the Consul kv command line interface (CLI) to create a new key/value store. We’ll use this Consul Key/Value store to add and retrieve key-value pairs.

    • Below are some of the example commands to demonstrate the process of storing (put) keys and retrieving (get) values from the Consul kv store.
       # set up a key:value pair <foo:bar> and retrieve the value for key 'foo'.
       $ consul kv put foo bar
       $ consul kv get foo
       # set up another key:value pair <hello:priyankasaggu119> and retrieve the valur for key 'hello'.
       $ consul kv put hello priyankasaggu119
       $ consul kv get hello


    • To check some additional metadata about the key-value pairs, use the -detailed command line flag.
       $ consul kv get -detailed hello


    • To list all the key-value pairs in a lexicographical order, use the -recurse command line flag.
       $ consul kv get -recurse


    • To modify the value for an existing key, issue the same consul kv get command for a key with a new value.
       # Let's try to modify the value for the key "hello".
       $ consul kv put hello world!


    • And finally, to delete a key-value pair from the Consul kv store, use the delete command.
       # adding an extra key:value pair <One:1> for demo.
       $ consul kv put One 1
       $ consul kv delete One


  4. With Consul web UI, One can perform all the above operations in a more efficient and easier way.

    • To launch the Consul web UI, access the url, http://<vm-ipaddress>:8500/ui in a browser window. (Note: It requires to add a separate firewall rule for exposing port 8500 of the GCP VM. Use this guide for instructions.)


    • Head onto the Key/Value section in the navigation bar and you will see all the key-value pairs listed there.


    • All the above Consul CLI operations can be more easily performed using the Consul web UI. From creating a new key-value pair to modifying the existing values, or even deleting the existing key-value pairs, everything can be done from this single UI itself.





  5. Apart from the local command line Interface (CLI) and the Consul hosted web UI, it is possible to query the Consul key/value store from a remote machine as well using curl command.

       # For example, to get the value and other metadata for key "hello".
       $ curl


    • To add a new key/value pairs from the remote machine, curl command will be used with a PUT request flag.
       # we are trying to add a new key:value pair <name:priyanka> here.
       $ curl --request PUT --data "priyanka"


    • Similarly, a key/value pair can be deleted using a curl command with DELETE request flag.
       # we are trying to delete the key:value pair with key "name".
       $ curl --request DELETE


Use Cases, Edge Conditions and Assumptions

The above solution assumes the current setup to be a development environment. Ideally it requires a multi-server Consul setup to achieve a production level, secure environment, which is currently less probable to achieve with the limited amount of computing resources I have.

Other tools, I tried/re-searched.
