cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Thank you, my VMware team!

December 12, 2022

Dear Team,

As my last day at VMware approaches, I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for the support and guidance you have given me during my time at VMware.

To dims and Navid, I am especially grateful for helping me join the great organisation and for your ongoing support. Thank you for making me feel welcomed and valued from day one.

Nikhita, your support and sponsorship have been invaluable in helping me grow in my career. You are not only a great colleague, but also a wonderful friend inside and outside of VMware. I truly mean it when I say that YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL.

Meghana, thank you for being an amazing onboarding buddy and for being there for me through every challenge and success. Your friendship, kindness and selflessness means the world to me.

Arka and Yash, thank you for being amazing work partners and for the countless long troubleshooting and learning sessions we had together. I will miss working with you.

Nabarun, thank you for being an exceptional mentor and guiding me not only on technical matters, but also providing valuable advice and teaching me important soft skills.

Madhav, thank you for being such a kind-hearted person and always supporting me and cheering me on.

Anusha, Christian, Prasad, Akhil, Arnaud, Rajas, and Amit, thank you for sharing your wealth of professional experience with me and especially, for teaching me what it means to work hard. It has been an absolute honor to work with each of you, even if for a short time.

Finally, Kriti, Kiran, and Gaurav, thank you for supporting me throughout my journey at VMware.

Andrew, Dominik, Peri, Sayali, I never could have imagined finding such wonderful friends at VMware. I will deeply miss you all. Your friendship means so much to me.

Thank you all for being such a great team. I will always treasure the memories and the lessons I have learned here.

Best regards,

Priyanka Saggu


It’s amazing that the “DREAM TEAM” tweet that you posted about years ago, Nikhita, actually came together for me and I got to work with you. It’s still hard to believe it actually happened. Honestly, I’m feeling very emotional after typing this. Thank you for all your support always! ❤️

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