cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

OBS tar_scm service, how to include .git in output tarball

How to also include the .git1 directory in the output tarball created by the tar_scm OBS (OpenSUSE Build Service) service module?

Use the service parameter – package-meta.

    <parameter name="package-meta">
      <description>Package the metadata of SCM to allow the user or OBS to update after un-tar. Please be aware that this parameter has precedence over the "exclude" paramter.</description>

Following is an example of an OBS _service file (where I needed to use the above parameter):

  <service name="tar_scm" >
    <param name="url"></param>
    <param name="scm">git</param>
    <param name="revision">v3.5.16</param>
    <param name="package-meta">yes</param>
    <param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@</param>
    <param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)</param>
  <service name="recompress">
    <param name="file">*.tar</param>
    <param name="compression">gz</param>
  <service name="go_modules">
    <param name="archive">*.tar.gz</param>

The _service file contains three OBS service modules:

  • tar_scm2: to clone a github repo (in this case, it’s cloning the etcd repo code on tag v3.5.16), and then compress the cloned source code directory to a tarball (*.tar).
  • recompress3: recompress the above *.tartarball to *.tar.gz
  • go_modules4: find the above source tarball, untar and cd into it, and run in sequence - go mod download && go mod verify && go mod vendor and give back a tarball vendor.tar.gz with compressed content from vendor/ directory containing the vendored go module dependencies needed by the go project.

  1. .git – the directory containing the metadata and object database of the git repository 

  2. source: tar_scm 

  3. source: recompress 

  4. source: go_modules