cogitationes, labores, et gratiae (thoughts, works, and gratitudes)

Some pending logs!

September 11, 2019

It's been a very long time since I wrote here for the last.

The reason is nothing big but mainly because:

  1. Apparently, I was not able to finish some tasks in time that I used to write about.
  2. I was not well for a long time that could be an another reason .
  3. Besides, life happened in many ways which ultimately left me working on some other things first, because they seemed to be *important* for the time.

And, yes, there is no denying the fact that I was procastinating too because writing seems to be really hard at most times.

Though I had worked on many things throughout the time and I'll try to write them here as short and quick logs below.

This one question always came up, many times, the students managed to destroy their systems by doing random things. rm -rf is always one of the various commands in this regard.

Kushal Das

  • While I was doing the above task, at one time I ruined my local system's mail server configs and actually ended up doing something which kushal writes about in one of his recent post (quoted above). I was using the command rm -rf to clean some of the left-over dependencies of some mail packages, but that eventually resulted into machine being crashed. It was not the end of the mess this time. I made an another extremely big mistake meanwhile. I was trying to back up the crashed system, into an external hard disk using dd. But because I had never used dd before, so again I did something wrong and this time, I ended up losing ~500 GBs of backed up data. This is "the biggest mistake" and "the biggest lesson" I have learnt so far. 😔😭 (now I know why one should have multiple backups) And as there was absolutely no way of getting that much data back, the last thing I did was, formatting the hard-disk into 2 partitions, one with ext4 file system for linux backup and the other one as ntfs for everything else.

Thank you so much jasonbraganza for all the help and extremely useful suggestions during the time. :)

  • Okay, now after all the hassle bustle above, I got something really nice. This time, I received the "Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB, Complete Kit " from kushal.

Thank you very much kushal for the RPi and an another huge thanks for providing me with all the guidance and support that made me reach to even what I am today. :)

  • During the same time, I attended a dgplug guest session from utkarsh2102. This session gave me a "really" good beginner's insight of how things actually work in Debian Project. I owe a big thanks to utkarsh2102 as well, for he so nicely voluteered me from there onwards, to actually start with Debian project. I have started with DPMT and have done packaging 4 python modules so far. And now, I am looking forward to start contributing to Debian Ruby Team as well.

  • With the start of september, I spent some time solving some basic Python problems from kushal's lymworkbook. Those issues were related to some really simply sys-admins work. But for me, working around and wrapping them in Python was a whole lot of learning. I hope I will continue to solve some more problems/issues from the lab.

  • And lastly (and currently), I am back to reading and implementing concepts from Ops School curriculum.

Voila, finally, I finish compiling up the logs from some last 20 days of work and other stuffs. (and thus, I am eventually finishing my long pending task of writing this post here as well).

I will definitely try to be more consistent with my writing from now onwards. :)

That's all for now. o/